Thursday, October 04, 2007


As of yesterday, I finally have a workspace fit for a human being.

It's got everything I need, and I've even got a phone! But, as we all know, any job can get on one's nerves, even when simple amenities are provided, so in case shit gets too thick I've posted a little inspirational question to keep my head right:

Sure, it's a bit Spartan, but it sure as shit beats the alternative:

My work station as it looked in July: a stack of photo chemical containers as a makeshift desk, stuck in the corner of the photo lab.

My upgraded work station from August through yesterday: the photo chemical container desk now swapped for two discarded, unused computers.

Tomorrow I'll personalize the new place with a FIST OF THE NORTH STAR statue. WAA-TAAAAH!!!


  1. Anonymous9:47 AM

    YOU ARE SHOCK!!!!!
    nice office kid, congrats on the upgrade.
    -big mike

  2. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Modesty would give the workspace the benefit of a chance, then take it down mercifully and irretrievably, if it proved to still be a threat.

    Love you and the acronym,

