Wednesday, November 28, 2007


"My heart and mind are as they were when I was a child. Then I loved to play with toys and to read stories of magic. I still do. My wish is only to make life happier and more beautiful for those who will go and see my films of fantasy."
-Eiji Tsuburaya, CAPER magazine (1965)

If this post's headline got your attention and you know what "daikaiju" means, drop whatever you're doing right now and buy this fucking book immediately! It's a fully-loaded hardcover biography and career overview of the completely awesome Eiji Tsuburaya. Tsuburaya was the special effects god behind Godzilla and damned near every monster of note who ever trashed Tokyo, as well as being the creator of Japan's number one superhero, the totally fucking beyond words of appreciation Ultraman, and his interstellar brethren. If you love giant monsters like I do, your life is not worth living without a copy of this excellent book written by my man August Ragone, one of this country's preeminent scholars of all things geeky and Asia-related in TV and movies. If this guy writes about it, believe me when I say he knows his shit.

I can't praise this one enough, except to say that it may just be the daikaiju fan's answer to really good porno. No bullshit, if it weren't unnatural on several levels, I'd like to fuck this book. HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION!!!

Eiji Tsuburaya with the cast of ULTRAMAN (1966), the TV show that perhaps had the greatest influence on the imagination of the wee Bunche.

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