Saturday, September 13, 2008


As anyone who regularly reads this blog knows, I love the movies. Consequently I love books about the movies, especially books that focus on certain "niche" aspects thereof, and I can think of no book more "niche" than this one:

Yes, there actually exists a book entitled LASH! THE HUNDRED GREATEST SCENES OF MEN BEING WHIPPED IN THE MOVIES, and while flagellation is not my bag, this kind of nutso movie book definitely is. And it's even available on Amazon! I just wonder where MANDINGO ranks...

1 comment:

  1. Does it include that scene from Roots where Geordi LaForge gets whipped until he calls himself Toby?

    I know that was TV, but it made quite an impression on me when I was 9 yrs old...

    Ah... Memories...
