Sunday, December 13, 2009


If you've ever seen a James Bond movie, you are no doubt absolutely certain of one simple fact: agent 007 of Her Majesty's secret service liked to fuck, a lot, and I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that ol' James slipped the Queen herself a length. With that in mind, there have been a number of James Bond-themed porn flicks, and the latest to come down the line stunned me with its feeble title.

Yes, it's PORNSTARS LIKE IT BIG VOL. 7: QUANTUM OF SLUTS. Talk about not even trying to come up with a decent title... Think about it for two seconds and one easily comes up with CONDOM OF BONE US or CUNT NUMB FROM SO MUCH, neither of which is all that great, but QUANTUM OF SLUTS? Is filthy creativity finally officially dead?


  1. Still, it makes more sense than the title it's based on.

  2. The title it's based on makes sense when read in the short story, but definitely not in that crappy movie
