Monday, February 22, 2010


This letter came in during my time in Vertigo editorial and it was by far the most disturbing I've ever received from an editor (one from the Batman group in the DCU who shall remain nameless), which is really saying something because I have numerous letters from schizophrenics, inmates of maximum security prisons and obsessive conspiracy-nuts.. Double-click to see it large and prepare to be creeped out.

Wow. Just...WOW. And I never saw the artwork he mentions.


  1. Wisconsin: Undisputed leader in serial killers per-capita.

  2. Bloody hell. It makes you feel sorry for editors. I just hope this guy didn't know what the editor he submitted to looked like...

  3. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Its honest. I like that.

  4. Long Live The Batman.

  5. Apparently, Preacher was a documentary.

  6. So what's it like working at the New Frontiersman, Seymour?

  7. Wait... you mean he DIDN'T get the job?!

  8. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I like him. He's sunny.

  9. I just hope the guy that wrote that wasn't lynched by tomahawk hellbillies in the end.

  10. This is the "Dear Mr. Henshaw" of the comics industry.

  11. demoncat4:45 PM

    that has got to be the most disturbed want to be in comics submission letter ever for the guy has serious issues . not to metion saying if you do not hear from me it means he got lynched talk about disturbing. though he sounds like he would be perfect for horror comics

  12. Anonymous5:40 PM

    That submission letter seemed normal to me... I really think editorials at publishers need more of this sort of thing. It would do them goo. They're too prissy and just want middle-class, chattering class, college grad stuff. But I guess with the internet and the death of copyright (which is coming fast), then there'll be whole books like that submission letter...and "literature" will be a better place for it...finally it will enter the REAL world.

  13. PLEASE show the artwork that came with this letter, man! The world deserves to see it.

  14. I like to think that this is actually someone we know and love today. Even better if it was an artist/writer that was seen as having a good head on their shoulders.

    I never stopped to think what type of submission letters editors received. It's funny to find out my preconceived notions were incorrect.

  15. Felipe-

    At the end of the post I stated that I never saw the artwork in question. I was just handed the letter by an appalled editor, so I have no idea what it was.

  16. There is a certain authenticity in his voice that is lacking in today's comics authors. I hope someone had the good sense to keep his address on record. He's a real 21st Century thinker- too bad he was ahead of his time.

  17. Yeah, surely he just needs a bit of mentoring - there has to be a Vertigo mini in there: Sandman: Tales from the Backwoods or Lynch Mob Angel, say.

  18. I want to know what happened to the guy.

  19. So... this sub letter is bad and wrong and on and on and so forth... but softcore porn covers, bland sameness and utter unoriginality at DC and Marvel is wonderful?

    Which is why the whole audience has left.

    That guy was, as others have said, straight up honest and a real writer, no idea if he had art chops to match.
