Saturday, October 12, 2013


Dear Vaulties-

As some of you may already know, the annual New York Comic Con is currently in full swing at Manhattan's Jacob Javits Center and if you've been a follower of this blog for the past few years you also know that I cover the event with a four-day photo safari. I'm attending the event for all four days and it has thus far been its usual visually spectacular, overwhelming self and I have already taken over 300 photos (that figure represents just what I've narrowed the total down to, winnowing out the weak stuff), and I would love nothing more than to post them immediately. The problem is that the wifi in my area is dodgy of late, especially during questionable weather, and as a result uploading even one photo that's a fews megs in size takes forever, so to do so en masse... Fuggeddaboudit.

The show still has Today and tomorrow to go and the weather's supposed to clear up soon, so I'd say start checking back here on Monday for con pics. Until then, please enjoy the ongoing entries in this year's 31 Days of Horror. Oh, and thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see your pictures, Bunche - they're always awesome. And it serves to get me all the more excited for my town's comic con, a mere four months away
