Wednesday, October 22, 2014


NOTE: Sorry for the delay in posting this final installment of the 2014 NY Comic Con, but life got in the way. Thank you for your patience.

All good things must come to an end, and this, dear Vaulties, was the perfect coda to one of the most fun cons I've ever attended.

I knew it was going to be a good day when I arrived to hear a deejay spinning vintage funk tunes, but I was stopped in my tracks when the theme from BLACK BELT JONES leapt from his speakers. Naturally, I had no choice but to stop what I was doing and dance to the entire tune. (Sadly, no one joined me.)

Gotta love that Ant-Man.

SAGA's Marko and Alanna (and Hazel).

A wee Beatrix Kiddo.

An absolutely perfect Pro shows up to meet her co-creator.

The Pro with her colorist, Paul Mounts.

With her co-creator, Amanda Conner.

An excellent replica of the Pro's emblem.

She even nailed the boots.

It's this kind of personal interaction that endears A.C. to her fans when they meet her at cons.

A spectacularly Amazonian Wonder Woman.

Girliest moment of the weekend: A.C. with the two fans with whom she discussed the merits of Aquanet at length.

Wee Mad Max, whom I initially confused with Kenshiro. (The dog should have been the giveaway.)

A young Harley Quinn fan (with Joker dad) meets with A.C. for an autograph.

Gwendolyn from SAGA.

An awesome cardboard Dino-Bot that actually transformed.

Four of the Endless.

Young Loki.

Another Alanna and Marko (with Hazel).

Oh, if only I had the space for this...

Gender-swapped Danny Phantom.

My favorite of the weekend's Selena Kyle's.

Two very nice fans who came in from New Hampshire to meet A.C.

My college tribesman and Marvel Bullpen brother Eddie Murr, with his exhausted daughter, Lily.

An excellent Ygritte and Jon Snow.

A.C. takes a lunch break.

The Kaiju Queen and her outstanding homemade plush kaiju. Her pattern for crafting this piece of awesomeness can be found here.

I love a preemptive cosplay strike, namely when a cosplayer embodies a character before that character's movie comes out.

A winsome Rogue.

A coincidental western-themed team-up.

With old friend and fellow journalist Kenny Pierce of Piercing Metal.

My favorite of the weekend's many female Thors.

The old school Teen Titans.

With DMC.

Russ Braun and his most hardcore fan.

The con's most popular trends, gender-swapping and BOB'S BURGERS cosplay, represented in one attendee.

(L-R) Jimmy Palmiotti, Michael Golden, and A.C.

At the end of the con, wiped out.

As seen on the way out: an excellent Mojo Jojo.

This year's pass joins my collection of passes from the previous decade.


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