Thursday, December 29, 2022


It's 1-something in the AM and I just got home after another trip to the ER.

I discovered an ugly open wound on my left big toe and, being a diabetic, I was concerned that it might be another case of infection like a few months back. So I hauled ass to the ER at Brooklyn Presbyterian Methodist and landed on a night when the place was packed and the staff was super-busy. I waited for two hours before I was admitted, and once inside the ER I was shown to a lounge chair where I sat for another two hours before getting my foot X-rayed.
After that it was back to the lounge chair, but I managed to finagle a bed in the aisle — it was a dialysis day, so I was exhausted to my limits — and a box meal featuring one of the hospital's stellar tuna salad sandwiches (seriously, I love them), fruit cup, 1/2 pint of low fat milk, and some apple juice. I enjoyed the repast, and some time later a podiatrist showed up. She told me the toe was definitely not infected, and then she debrided a good deal of the dead, callused flesh away. I was also set up with a local podiatrist to call and book an appointment with, which will spare me having to schlep all the way up to Mount Sinai for the same service.
Anyway, I am finally back at home and exhausted after a day spent in two medical environments for a toital of just over ten hours. Oy a broch...

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