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Saturday, January 14, 2023


From my Facebook page.

I swear, I just cannot catch a break.

After I ate my breakfast of oatmeal on Friday morning, I began to hiccup but could not do my trick with downing and purging 40 ounces of water to stop them, due to needing time for the food to at least partially digest before I do it, and I finished breakfast maybe fifteen minutes before my car would show up to take me to dialysis. I would just have to endure roughly six hours of hiccups until I got home, where I would do the water purge.
Dialysis went fine, and when I got home I did the water purge and got some brief relief. As I was hungry, I hauled ass to the Chinese Popeye's in Sunset Park and enjoyed my favorite meal on their menu, the 5-wing combo. But as I rode the bus to Sunset Park, the hiccups began again. They were quelled while I ate, but they started up again on the bus ride back home.
Upon returning home I did the purge trick again, but it provided relief of maybe ten minutes. Over the hours between 5pm and 2:30am I did the purge trick seven times, with the same results. As of 3am, I just did the water trick again and I have utterly voided my system and I feel like a spent tube of toothpaste. That said, the hiccups stopped for another ten minutes, but then they kicked in again, only with less intensity, instead manifesting as spasms of my upper GI tract without any shortness of breath. As I write this, they have decreased to roughly two-second intervals.
I am exhausted but I am now also too tired to sleep. I wanted to avoid another trip to the Brooklyn Presbyterian Methodist Hospital's ER, especially in the wee hours, when the place is like something out of Heironymous Bosch, but I am packed and ready to head over there. STAY TUNED

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