The last time I was unemployed I went for two years without a steady gig, existing on freelance writing jobs and the occasional stint as a dog walker. This time around my unemployment lasted for less than a month, and I have not had a chance to get used to the sleep-when-you-like, look-for-work-whenever lifestyle again. And that’s a good thing, because I am now the copywriter/proofreader for a design company located a stone’s throw from Grand Central Station and staffed with an abundance of comics geeks and other assorted fellow wackos. They do design work for all manner of sports, comics, and movie cards, among other things, and the place is riddled with colorful comics art and toys. A good fit, no?
I start next Wednesday morning — I have some outstanding freelance that needs attending to before I start a full-time gig — so wish me luck as I once more leap into the entertainment media arena!
Hey man... I found your blog through Jared Osborn's... Jared and I used to work in the Marvel bullpen together... anyway, I just took up a full-time job after slaving away as a freelance letterer for 4 years. Congrats on the new gig maybe I'll see ya at Hanley's... although if you're over by Grand Central now, you'll be a stone throw away from the new Midtown Comics...
Hot damn! That sounds like a great fit! We'll have to do dinner soon!
You'll be working about a fifteen-minute walk away from where I work.
Luck. And congratulations-- I told you you'd get it. I want to take a day off work before Wednesday, so we can goof off before you have to be responsible again.
Love Jes
Finally!! Sounds like you're back in an appropriate realm for your talents. Now let's see how well they appreciate their good luck in getting you.
Hey that's great!! Congrats!
Jim Browski says:
Way to go Bro !
I hope you have weekends free, cause we have to hook up.
Have a Brewski with Browski :)
Congrats -- now that you're on the island, please tell me you'll be up for a happy hour sometime.
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