As I slid the fridge back into position, I was on my knees and did not properly judge just how far to push the appliance back into position underneath the overhanging cabinet, an oversight that resulted in the drying rack toppling to earth from a height of about three feet above my head. Fortunately there was no glassware present to shatter into a gajillion shards all over the place, but the hefty soup pot, overcome by gravity, not-so-gingerly bounced off the left side of my forehead and I came this close to passing out. Though quite dizzy and in a considerable amount of pain, I manged not to keel over (or cry, for that matter) and rushed to snag my camera and document the sprung-from-out-of-nowhere goose egg that blossomed from my skull within seconds of the impact.
The goose egg hurt like a motherfucker and eventually grew to roughly the size of half a hard-bolled egg, but the damned thing soon ceased throbbing and I actually got a decent night's sleep (for once). And as you can see from the photo below, I'm pretty much back to normal after a little over twelve hours.
This morning at work, 9:27 AM: pretty much back to my normal state of mutated weirdness.
But I gotta tell ya, that shit hurt like a sunuvabitch!!!
But I gotta tell ya, that shit hurt like a sunuvabitch!!!
See any pink elephants? How about heafalumps? Woozles? Cowgirls on the ceiling? Perhaps a visit to a doctor is in order to ensure that His Royal Buncheness has not actually sustained a concussion. Although you did wake up after going to sleep . . .
Would that have been avoided if you had one of those gigantic 70's afros?
I once dropped a five pound dumbell on my head in a similar way, I was moving a bookcase in order to get to something I'd dropped behind it. Since I was living alone, that was enough to start my obsession with obituaries and keep track of how long it took to find dead people in apartments in New York.
hope you're feeling better Buncheman!
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