Okay, my latest case of disillusionment with life has worn off to some extent, largely thanks to seeing Kate the Red for the first time in about eight months and shooting the shit. Time spent with her always clears my thoughts and warms my heart, so I'm thankful for that, plus she told me the shocking story of reading the most recent of Pamela Des Barres' tell-all groupie books and discovering that one of her close friends used to live with and fuck Iggy Pop while she was only fifteen and he was recording THE IDIOT. Thus renewed, I'm off to the movies to see PINEAPPLE EXPRESS and RED, both of which will be reviewed shortly after I see them, and the latter of which will be reviewed in tandem with its source novel.
Anyway, back soon.

And just so you'll have a face to attach to the name, Kate the Red is the lovely with her hand on the car door. And no, I'm not getting any Osh-Osh from her either, but there's always tomorrow.
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