Essentially a seriously kickass speed metal band, the gimmick here is that the band does almost nothing but badass covers of current and classic anime TV theme songs, and holy shit can they shred! Sure, it's a novelty act, but they're really fucking excellent musicians, and the fact that they devote their considerable talent to metaling-up cartoon songs is hilarious, to say nothing of the fact that they have no problem with looking like completely faggy retards, bargain basement Kiss impersonators, and even refugees from a CATS roadshow when onstage, taking nothing seriously about themselves except for the musicianship.

But back to Animetal: a band that combines quality metal, themesongs from cartoons about giant robots and superheroes, topped off with the involvement of a member of Pink fucking Lady?!!? That's a kitschstorm of a magnitude I would never have imagined in a million years, and the simple fact that it actually works is nothing short of miraculous.
If you're a fan of anime you know that many of the songs in the canon feature mostly Japanese lyrics with a smattering of "Engrish" thrown in, an effect that frequently stops the uninitiated in their tracks, sometimes providing moments of unintentional and often head-scratching hilarity ("You Wa Shock," anyone?), and the trend continues in Animetal's work to great effect. Their live version of the CUTIE HONEY theme takes that thirty-some-odd-year-old chestnut and grafts a pair of balls onto Japan's number one superheroine's signature tune, and while that song was always upbeat and peppy, it's a real shock to hear it actually rock.

And the band even lends their slant to the GATCHAMAN theme , kicking an already awesome tune up by several notches. There are several examples of their work findable on YouTube and I strongly urge you give them a look. TRUST YER BUNCHE!!!
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