The XXX parody avalanche continues unabated and frankly I'm sick of it. There's no attempt at coming up with goofball titles anymore, so all you get now is "(INSERT NAME OF PARODY SOURCE MATERIAL HERE) — A XXXParody," and where's the fun and cheap laughs in that? Case in point, this SCOOBY-DOO lampoon(tang):

Up next is this tenderloin take of THE SIMPSONS.

Asian-centric filth has a long and rich history of bad titles, many of which play with bad "Chinese-style" naming and perceived phrasing, such as LUCKY ROLL/ORAL FEAST (which sounds like a takeout combo), WANTON WONTONS, ME LOVE YOU LONG TIME, and the ultra-offensive CHINKY CHINKY GANGBANG. Now we get CUM FU, which unfortunately and somewhat surprisingly is not a fuckee-suckee take on the classic '70's show starring David Carradine.

And the there's this item of sheer "What the fuck"-ness:

Lastly, considering how the porn parody fad rages on like a pandemic, it's only a matter of time until someone gets around to making a porno based on the beloved children's character Gumby. As is seen with items like the aformentioned Scooby-Doo stroker, nothing is sacred, so I can totally picture an ass-fucking variant of the Art Clokey classics called BUMBY, in which Gumby raunches his "pony pal Pokey" up the fudge tunnel (or maybe that would be Pokey's job since it's right there in his very name). And you just know the talent would be decked out in laughably-horrible foam outifts. Also, imagine the intentionally bad re-lyriced version of the classic theme tune:
My rewrite would probably go something like this:
He's equipped with little green balls of claaaay...
You could be who Bumby cornholes todaaaay...
He'll ass-raunch each and everyone
With his pony pal Pokey too
If you like it "brown"
Then Bumby is down with yoooooou
That took me mere seconds to write, so I'd probably refine it before submitting a final version. Hey! Why don't you write in with your filthy Gumby theme tune? And while my take on it would be an all-anal version, think of the other variants, such as "Cumby" or "Scumby."

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